Tuesday Was a Good Day

Tuesday was my first day off after working all weekend and Memorial Day.  J and I had plenty of errands that took us all over Central Pennsylvania.

First we went to Jo-Ann’s to pick out fabric to make a Princess Elsa cape for J.  J has been taking a small blanket and tying it around her neck like a cape.  Which gave me the idea to make her a true cape with velcro, etc.  I found this pattern on Pinterest.  J was very good in the store.  She helped me find the perfect shade of Elsa blue and a sparkly overlay/sheer.  I think picked out a pretty pink satin for the other side, thinking one side could be fore Elsa Princess and the other side could be a super hero side.    J was so good that she got to pick out a treat, pop-rocks.  I haven’t had these things since I was a kid and J totally got a kick out of them.

Next we ran over to Old Navy.  I had to return a pair of maternity shorts that I had bought online.  I was looking for a regular pair of jean shorts but all they had were ones that had a rolled edge.  J found some cute hats that we had to try on and asked me to take a picture of us.  How can I refuse cute hats and selfies?!

But first let me take a selfie

But first let me take a selfie

I found a cute onsie for the baby and a shirt for J on the clearance rack.  Then off to SAMs club for groceries.  I spent WAY too much money here but I was able to get Matt’s Father’s Day present.  He has been lamenting that we no longer have a Keurig to make “good coffee.”  We got spoiled living with Mom and Dad.  The only downside of just having a Keurig is not being able to make a pot of coffee for a crowd or a thermos to take to work.  There had to  be a solution.  Why wasn’t there a machine that could do both?  Brew a whole pot of coffee and make a single cup if you only want one?  Enter  the Hamilton Beach Two-Way FlexBrew Coffee Maker!  It’s like they read my mind!

Coffee Heaven!

Coffee Heaven!

I got it for a steal!  They are advertising it online for $99.99 with a $10 mail in rebate.  I got it for $79.00 at SAMs club!  That’s a $20 savings!  Not to mention this station that does both is $50 cheaper then the cheapest Keurig.  I felt like a queen walking out of there.  I got Matt a box of 54 Starbucks Pike’s Place K-Cups and two t-shirts from American Apparel that were also on sale to round out his present.  J did an awesome job sitting in the cart and helping me pick out groceries.  Matt decided that he wanted his present early, so we set it up Tuesday night.  We were both very excited about having coffee in the morning.  Once we actually use it for a little bit I’ll write an official review about it, but so far we like it.

Mom and Dad asked to have J spend the night since they were only going to be watching her one day this week.  So after her nap Dad came to pick her up.  I decided to make a fancy dinner for Matt and I since we weren’t going to go out for a date on Tuesday night when we both had to work the next morning.  For dinner I made Greek Chicken on the grill, tzatziki, and rice.  I picked up some Kalamata olives and feta cheese for sides.  Then for dessert I made Baklava using a recipe I found on Pinterest.  You can tell I’m not a true blogger, I didn’t take any of the pictures before I ate all of it.  LOL!  It must have been pretty good, there were no leftovers!  I did manage to get a picture of Matt and I before we chowed down on the couch and watched The Heat.

Another selfie!

Another selfie!

It was a perfect night.  A full tummy made for a great night of sleep!  Not bad for a Tuesday if I do say so myself.

Would y’all want tutorials or a blog about the Greek/Persian food I made?  Let me know.  Enjoy the rest of your week!